ArriveCAN app and mandatory daily COVID-19 reporting for Canada arrivals beginning 2020

 The ongoing pandemic has forced the Canadian Government to impose stricter measures for travellers coming into the country.

With no end in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities in Canada are looking to smartphone applications to contain the spread of the coronavirus. People traveling to Canada from November 21 on must use the ArriveCAN app to report on their condition before and after arrival.

If you are planning to travel to Canada in the next few months, here is what you need to do!

Before You Leave for Canada

Canada imposes a 14-day quarantine period that applies to all incoming travellers, excluding those who are subject to specific exemptions.

If Canada is the last destination on your trip, you must install the ArriveCAN app before boarding your plane. You can use the app either on your phone or your computer and provide essential data, such as:

  • Your contact information
  • Your travel itinerary
  • Your self-assessment of COVID-19 symptoms
  • Your potential quarantine plan

After submitting this information, you will receive an ArriveCAN receipt, which you will have to present to the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) officers before your entry into Canada.

If you fail to comply with these measures, you will be subject to a penalty that may range from a verbal warning to a $1,000 fine. The only exceptions include travelers who could not send their information because of a disability or not having adequate infrastructure.

Already starting from November 4, air travel companies remind their passengers that they must submit their information regarding COVID-19 through ArriveCAN before boarding their flights to Canada.

The authorities also encourage travelers who wish to enter Canada by land or marine to complete the COVID-related forms through ArriveCAN before starting their trip. This way, they will avoid delays at the border entry points.

After arriving in Canada

Once you arrive in Canada, and you enter quarantine, you can submit your information to the Canadian authorities by using the following toll-free number: 1-833-641-0343. You are only required to do so if you are not subject to the Mandatory Isolation Order.

After you arrive in Canada, you have 48 hours to confirm that you have entered the quarantine period at the address you have mentioned to the authorities. Also, you have to complete a daily self-check of COVID-19 symptoms and provide your results through the ArriveCAN app or at the number above, if you cannot use the online application.

The authorities in Canada consider incoming travellers as one of their leading priorities and will use enforcement action to ensure that they provide the necessary information. In their opinion, these measures should diminish the increasing rate of COVID-19 infections by reducing contact between travellers and border officials.

The Canadian Government also mentioned that these measures give more control to the travellers about the information they provide and the measures they take to reduce COVID-19 spread. It also saves the government from having to track the movement of travellers through GPS.

Passengers arriving at the primary international airports in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver may also be able to clear immigration procedures faster because of special ArriveCAN lanes.

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Do you need to quarantine when you come to Canada?

Effective, timely and well-executed lockdowns in certain countries have helped slow down COVID-19’s rapid spread, but the novel coronavirus still continues to disrupt millions of lives around the world. Certain European countries are even faced with the prospect of a ‘second wave’ of the virus’ spread. Therefore, Canadian authorities have decided to not relax the mandatory 14-day quarantine restriction they had placed back in March upon all international travellers, Canadian nationals and permanent residents of Canada hoping to enter the country.

The Government of Canada’s stance of denying entry to foreign nationals traveling to Canada for discretionary or optional reasons remains firm, as it continues to urge people to only travel to Canada for non-discretionary reasons or due to unavoidable circumstances. So if you’re planning on flying to Canada be sure to check whether the purpose of your visit qualifies as ‘non-discretionary’, otherwise you’ll be at the risk of being denied entry into the country.

Who can travel to Canada during COVID-19 restrictions in 2020?

Some foreign nationals who are ‘eligible’ to enter into Canada at present: immediate family members, travellers coming directly from the US for unavoidable purposes, temporary foreign workers, certain foreign students, permanent residency applicants whose permanent residency has been approved. It is important to note that according to the Government of Canada, attending a close one’s funeral or meeting a dying relative isn’t considered ‘non-discretionary’.

The government’s stance on foreign nationals trying to gain entry into the country is clear: if you exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19, you’ll be denied entry straightaway. If you are a Canadian national or permanent resident exhibiting mild symptoms of the virus, it’s imperative for you to strictly isolate. Even if you do not exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19 at the port of entry, you will still have to quarantine yourself for two weeks.

It is mandatory for all travellers to furnish a comprehensive ‘quarantine plan’ at the port of entry (POE); which if deemed ‘unsatisfactory’ by the port authorities would almost certainly result in you being denied entry into Canada. An ideal Canada travel quarantine plan consists of:

  • Information about your accommodation.
  • How you will reach your destination from the port of entry.
  • How you’ll transit to procure essential products and services such as groceries or medicines.

There may be huge repercussions to not following or flouting your quarantine plan such as a hefty fine of around $750,000 or even imprisonment of up to 6 months.

However, certain essential service providers who travel to Canada from the US on a daily basis are exempted from the quarantine restrictions. For a smoother and swifter process at the Canadian border, it is best to download the Canada Border Services Agency’s app ‘ArriveCap’; which allows you to submit certain information and details in advance.

As an additional layer of security, you should consider downloading the COVID-19 Alert app on your mobile phone, which employs Bluetooth technology to detect people who are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms around you.

Finally, prepare a comprehensive two-week quarantine plan, and travel to Canada only if it is truly imperative.

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How to call relatives to Canada during COVID-19

The global outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has compelled us all to adjust to a ‘new normal’; into a world where concepts such as ‘social distancing’ and ‘lockdowns’ have become integral. Effective and timely lockdowns have helped Canada slow down the spread of the virus but strict vigilance is still imperative. Currently, it is only possible to invite immediate family members or individuals who are traveling for essential purposes and are coming via the United States or are exempted from travel restrictions, to enter Canada.

What relatives can visit Canada during COVID-19?

The Canadian government has understandably decided to allow only those foreign nationals who are arriving into the country for non-discretionary purposes, apart from an individual’s immediate family members to minimise the exposure of Canadian nationals to the virus which has claimed more than 900,000 lives globally so far. It is important to note that even foreign nationals who have valid visitor visas or electronic travel authorisations are not guaranteed entry into the country if they don’t fulfil the aforementioned criteria.

According to, the official website of the government of Canada, the following people are considered as ‘immediate family members’ of a person:

–              Spouse

–              Common law-partner

–              Parent/ Step-parent

–              Dependent child of a dependent child

–              Tutor or guardian

Requirements during visit

These individuals would be permitted entry into the country only if they intend to stay in the country for more than 15 days, exhibit no symptoms of COVID-19 and provide a comprehensive quarantine plan (for 14 days). The quarantine plan will consist of accurate information regarding a person’s accommodation and transport arrangements during the mandatory 2-week quarantine period.

Moreover, if you’re a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, it is not mandatory for you to accompany your immediate family members during their travel to Canada, as long as they can furnish authentic documents proving their relation to you along with a satisfactory quarantine plan. Only professionals traveling to provide essential services, for instance, truck drivers traveling in and out of the country to provide essential products, are exempted from the 14-day mandatory quarantine period.

COVID-19 screening for relatives visiting Canada

If you or your immediate family members are hoping for successful immigration to Canada, it is mandatory for you to undergo the screening procedures at the port of entry. Any individual who shows COVID-19 symptoms and is traveling for optional purposes, like tourism, wouldn’t be allowed entry.

If immediate family members exhibit mild symptoms, they must strictly self-isolate for 14 days or risk being denied entry. Even if you furnish a valid medical document to the port officials, which states that you have tested negative for COVID-19, you are still expected to quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days.

We believe that apart from being well-versed with the rules and regulations for immigration to Canada, it is important to know about the provincial restrictions in place as different provinces of Canada have put in place specific travel restrictions.

The Government of Canada is still processing permanent residency, student permit, temporary work permit applications, but the pandemic has affected their processing time. However, travel restrictions are applicable for international students and workers too unless they can convince the port officials that they are traveling for non-discretionary purposes.

It is advisable that you invite your relatives to Canada only if they are traveling for non-optional purposes. Refrain from inviting distant relatives for discretionary purposes such as leisure, entertainment, tourism as they may not be allowed to enter Canada (depending on changes in travel advisories).

The post How to call relatives to Canada during COVID-19 appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

These four Canadian immigration programs have relaxed language testing (2020)

March 2020 is when many countries around the world, including Canada, went into coordinated lockdowns to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Since then, it has been very difficult, if not impossible, for applicants to complete the English test for immigration/study. IELTS and CELPIP centres around the world have stopped holding examinations to comply with government regulations.

In light of that, IRCC has issued relaxations in language testing. Find out which four Canadian immigration programs do not require English test results immediately.

Relaxations in language testing

IRCC has announced that they will accept copies of the language test results for the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, Agri-Food Pilot, Rural Northern Immigration Pilot and Start-up Visa Program. Original test language results are not required.

This is great news for anyone who has not received the original result from IELTS or CELPIP. You can now submit a scanned copy or printed copy of your language score. Expect this to continue till the IELTS and CELPIP centres in your country don’t start operating normally again.

It is possible that IRCC may ask for original results at a later date so you should keep following up to make sure you receive them.

Keep reading to find out which four immigration programs do not require original English language test results immediately.

Eligible programs eligible under IELTS/CELPIP language relaxation

The four immigration programs that do not require originals results of the language tests are also the ones that have some of the lowest English language requirements.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

This is a fast-track program for those with a valid job offer in one of Canada’s four Atlantic provinces: Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Canadian employers hiring through this program do not have to file a Labour Market Impact Assessment either.

In fact, once the applicant accepts the job offer, he or she is connected with a settlement service provider organization that helps them settle in the province.

Agri-Food Pilot

This program is designed to entice agricultural workers who work in meat, mushroom and other farming. Candidates receive a full-time 12-month job offer in meat processing, harvesting, greenhouse production, farm supervision and other agricultural occupations. The program requires only a CLB 4 from workers.

Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

This pilot program has been initiated to encourage foreign workers to settle in northern and rural communities across Canada. The program is currently accepting applications for nine cities. Applicants can be qualified in managerial/executive positions and even be invited for job-specific training. The CLB language requirements vary by NOC code but the requirement of original results has been relaxed for all levels.

Start-up Visa Program

This program is designed to encourage foreign entrepreneurs to come to Canada and start a business. The minimum CLB is only 5, which means the program prioritizes business acumen.

Candidates need to prove their business is supported by a designed organization through an investor group.

Covid-19 has had a big impact on applications but IRCC and CIC have continued to process applications through the pandemic. Find out how you can take advantage of the numerous other incentives the government has rolled out for visa applicants.

Get help with your application

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Applying for Canada Permanent Residence from the USA

H1B visa holders have been trying to settle in Canada in droves since 2016. There has been a lot of uncertainty regarding H1 visa renewals and people who live, work and study in the US are rightly worried if they will even get an American Green Card.

Unsurprisingly, many find Canada the best alternative. With educational and career opportunities aplenty, Canada offers a lot more diversity and a lot more accepting community. That Canada immigration eligibility is easier to meet makes it perfect for H1B visa holders.

ronen coming to canada pr from usa

In this article we tell you ways to get permanent residency in Canada without fuss.


Workers and students residing in the USA are prime candidates for Canadian immigration Express Entry because most already have the documentation and proofs required.


In light of Covid-19, Canada has become a safe haven. A world-class publicly-funded system of healthcare, financial support from the government, and measures that have kept the population safe from coronavirus have made Canada an attractive immigration destination. This is in contrast to the USA, which at the time of writing this article, had nearly 500,000 Covid-19 and the most Covid-related deaths!


Canada immigration eligibility if you are in the USA

The federal Express Entry system is one of the fastest and fairest points systems that measures your eligibility to become a Canadian PR. It is designed to find and invite skilled workers from around the world.

An Express Entry applicant starts by filling out an application on the basis of which he/she/they are allotted points (Comprehensive Ranking System or CRS points system). This takes into account their education, qualifications, industry experience, language ability (English and French), prior criminal record and other factors. A certain financial threshold must be crossed also, but it is relatively low and someone working or studying in the USA should be able to meet that easily.

Learn more about applying through Express Entry.


Immigration assessment – responses within 1 hour


Canadian immigration eligibility under PNPs

Another popular route for immigration to Canada is through Provincial Nominee Programs. Basically, provinces run their own immigration programs to find skilled workers for their industries. We have discussed PNPs many times on this blog. You can read about a few here and here.

Some PNPs tie-in with Express Entry too: these may increase your CRS score or help you jump the CRS queue. Speak to an immigration lawyer about this; many people don’t realize their skills qualify them for these PNPs.

Examples are the many tech PR programs. Canada has been building its IT and technology industries rapidly in recent years and the high demand for professionals means there are many secret PR routes.


Read more

Convert Canada tourist visa into student visaHow to break the PR queue


Tips for applying for Canada permanent resident from USA

First things first: speak to professional immigration expert. Preparation is key and you cannot afford an application delayed because of documentation.

  • Prepare documents before you apply
  • Ensure funds reflect in your bank account for at least 6 months before application
  • Check if your spouse/dependents are increasing your CRS score
  • Find the latest PNP programs
  • Maximize your English/French language score
  • Take CELPIP instead of IELTS
  • Get sponsored to come to Canada


At the Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld we have helped 3000+ people and 1100+ settle in Canada legally. We are a full service immigration practice registered with the Law Society of Ontario. We help people from around the world get their Canadian visa with creative immigration solutions. Get a free online immigration assessment immediately.

The post Applying for Canada Permanent Residence from the USA appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and effect on Canadian immigration (Latest news)

The novel coronavirus crisis has hit every country around the world. The COVID-19 disease has forced countries to adopt unprecedented measures. Most countries are in some state of lockdown. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, Canada and other countries have imposed restrictions on international arrivals.

Here’s the latest immigration news from Canada (valid for April 2020). Find the latest news from IRCC /CIC here.

ronen blog coronavirus covid 19 canada immigration

Are you stuck at the Canadian border?

Call the Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld immediately. Our lawyers and expert immigration staff is helping people understand their status and whether they can come/return to Canada at this time.

Our offices are functioning normally. Of course, we are limiting in-person meetings in keeping with the directives of the Canadian government.


Who can enter Canada in April 2020?

At this time (30 March 2020) Canada has severely restricted the entry of foreign travellers into the country. At the time of writing, only the following people are being allowed to enter Canada.

  • Canadian citizens and permanent residents
  • Immediate family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents
  • Permanent resident visa holders (can come to Canada to complete landing and landing interview)
  • International students – those holding a valid Canadian study permit or have a letter of invitation dated on or before March 18, 2020
  • Work permit holders
  • Temporary workers who have a letter of introduction from IRCC
  • Permit-exempt work
  • Accredited officials under R190(2)(a) and their families
  • Protected persons under subsection A95(2) (refugees)
  • Transit passengers
  • Crew members on vessels
  • Persons of national interest


If you are travelling or planning on travelling to Canada during the COVID-19 crisis, make sure you speak to an immigration lawyer first! There are a number of restrictions on who can come, and you don’t want to be quarantined at an airport or be forced to return to your country and be quarantined.


What happens once you come to Canada?

As of 26 March 2020, anyone coming to Canada will have to mandatorily self-isolate for 14 days, under the Quarantine Act. Anyone who fails to adhere to this can face a fine of $750,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 6 months.

“Essential workers” are exempt from the 14-day self-isolation.


How to enter Canada during the COVID-19 outbreak and travel restrictions?

After the coronavirus outbreak, there are only two likely ways to enter Canada:

  • By road from the United States of America. However, all ‘non-essential’ travel between the two countries has been barred.
  • By air to Toronto Pearson International Airport, Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Calgary International Airport, and Vancouver International Airport. These are the only flights that are receiving international flights.
  • Sea routes are highly inadvisable given cruise ships and passenger transport ships are being quarantined off the cost for weeks at a time.


Is your immigration application taking longer than normal?

COVID-19 has placed an unexpected and large administrative burden on the Canadian government. Do not be surprised if your express entry, invitation to apply, student visa/permit, work permit or provincial nominee application has longer than normal processing times.

Once the COVID-19 crisis eases around the world, IRCC and provincial immigration departments will take a few weeks to get back up to speed and clear the backlog.


If you or your loved ones are facing an immigration emergency, speak to Ronen Kurzfeld today. We can help with deportation orders, last minute appeals and any other immigration problems.

Latest news from IRCC

The post Coronavirus (COVID-19) and effect on Canadian immigration (Latest news) appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

Who Can Sponsor an Immigrant to Canada? [Updated for 2020]

Under the Family Class immigration category, citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their relatives, including foreign spouses, partners, dependent children, parents, or grandparents for immigration to Canada. The Canadian government makes family reunification an important goal, and over the next three years, the country will welcome over 260,000 people who will be reunited with their family in Canada.



Who Can Sponsor an Immigrant to Canada?

A person can become a sponsor if:

  • They are at least 18 years old;
  • They are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person registered as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act,
  • They can prove they are financially able to assist the sponsored person(s); and
  • They have enough income to provide for basic needs of dependent children of the principal applicant.


Who Cannot Sponsor an Immigrant to Canada?

 Certain people cannot sponsor immigrants to Canada:

  • People who failed to pay an immigration loan, a performance bond, or family support payments;
  • People who have not been able to provide for the basic needs of previously-sponsored relatives who received social assistance from the government;
  • People who are under an immigration removal order;
  • People who are incarcerated;
  • Those who receive social assistance (unless they are disabled), or who are going through bankruptcy;
  • People who were sponsored by a spouse or partner who became a permanent resident less than five years ago;
  • People who have sponsored a previous spouse or partner and three years have not passed since the spouse or partner became a permanent resident; and
  • People convicted of sexual offences, violent offences, or offences which caused bodily harm to a relative, and persons who attempted or threatened to commit this type of offence.


Sponsorship of Spouses, Common Law Partners and Dependent Children


A Canadian citizen or permanent resident can sponsor a spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child as long as the applicant and spouse or dependents are not inadmissible. For sponsorship purposes, a spouse can be opposite or same-sex and must be married to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

If a couple was married in Canada, they must provide a marriage certificate from the territory or province where they were married. If the couple was married outside of Canada, the marriage must be legally valid in the country where the marriage was performed, as well as legally valid in Canada.

A couple does not need to be married to take advantage of the spousal or common law partner sponsorship provision. If a couple has lived together in a conjugal relationship for at least 12 months, with no interruptions, they are eligible for family sponsorship. However, the CIC may require couples to prove their relationship with photographs and other evidence.

The government wants to ensure that sponsored family members have adequate support once they arrive in Canada. Spouses and common law partners must sign a formal agreement which confirms that both people understand their responsibilities. The sponsoring person must also sign an agreement pledging to provide for the basic needs of the spouse, partner, dependent child or other relative.

There are unique requirements to sponsor a close relative to Québec. If you live in Québec, it is important to review the law and consult with a lawyer about the Québec process.


Spousal Sponsorship Processing Time

 Generally, it takes 18 months to complete the sponsorship process for people who live outside of Canada, and 24 months for applications by people living inside Canada. In December of 2016, the Canadian government announced its plans to process 80 percent of the spousal sponsorship applications within 12 months. New application forms and procedures are streamlining the process and reducing the waiting time. For example, medical examinations are no longer needed upfront and police certificates are only required for the countries where the spouse or partner most recently lived and where they spent most of their lives since age 18. Complicated or unusual applications may still take more than one year to process.

The post Who Can Sponsor an Immigrant to Canada? [Updated for 2020] appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

The Ultimate Canada Visitor Visa Checklist [Updated for 2020]

Are you planning to visit Canada in the near future? If so, you need to be aware of the requirements for obtaining a visitor visa. A visitor visa, also called a temporary resident visa, is an official document stamped in your passport demonstrating that you meet the legal requirements to travel to Canada. This post explains exactly what travelers must do to enter Canada.

Step 1: Canada Visitor Visa Checklist

The first step is making sure you meet the basic requirements for travel to Canada. You must have:

  • A passport or other valid travel document
  • Be in good health (a medical certificate may be required)
  • Have no criminal convictions
  • Demonstrate an intent to return to your home country
  • Have enough money for your stay (bank statements may be required)

Step 2: Determine if You Need a Medical Exam

People who intend to visit for six months or less generally do not need a medical exam unless they work in specified health fields or in agriculture. You need a medical exam if you will remain in Canada for more than six months, and:

  • You have lived temporarily for six or more months in a row in specified countries in the year immediately prior to the date you will enter Canada.
  • You are coming to Canada to work in a job where public health must be protected.
  • You are applying for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa.

If you need a medical exam, contact the visa office for instructions on how to proceed.

Step 3: Documents Required for Canada Visitor Visa

The nearest visa application center (VAC) can help with the paperwork. Generally, you need the following forms and documents to complete your visitor visa application:

  • Application for Temporary Resident Visa
  • Family Information Form
  • Photocopy of the Information Page of Passport
  • Two Photographs (with name and date of birth written on back)
  • Proof of Financial Support (bank statements)
  • Photocopy of Marriage License or Certificate
  • Purpose of Travel Statement
  • Photocopy of Current Immigration Status (if your country of residence is different from your country of citizenship, you must provide proof of legal status)
  • Custody Documents or Letter of Authorization from Both Parents (for minor children traveling with one parent)

You can apply online or on paper. Each person who seeks entry into Canada must submit a separate application.

Step 4: Pay Application Fees

As of December 2017, the fee schedule for visitor visas and super visas is as follows:

  • Visitor visa / super visa = $100 per person
  • Visitor visa for family of five or more = $500 total

To be eligible for the visitor visa for a family of five or more persons, dependent children must be under age 22 and the family members must apply at the same time and place.

Step 5: Biometrics

Some visitors to Canada need to give biometrics (fingerprints and a photograph). If you need to give biometrics and are applying on paper, the application must be submitted in person at the VAC office.

Step 6: Submit the Application

Families are required to send their applications together with one package. To identify the proper office, visit the webpage and select your country where you currently live.

Step 7: Application Processing

After you submit the application, it will be reviewed to make sure it has all the supporting documentation. Most applications are processed in just a few weeks. After the application is processed, your passport and original documents will be returned to you.

Step 8: Approved

Once your application is approved, the visa will be stamped inside the passport. When you arrive in Canada, a border agent will ask for your travel documents.

Documents required for a Canadian visitor visa are subject to change. Be sure to check the VAC for the most recent information for your country.

Are you interested in immigrating to Canada permanently? Contact the Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld to see how we can make your Canadian dream come true.

The post The Ultimate Canada Visitor Visa Checklist [Updated for 2020] appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

Secret tech experience programs for PR

Canada is fast becoming the next tech and IT hub of the world. From innovative financial services, blockchain, to Artificial Intelligence there is a huge demand for tech talent. In fact, tech and IT workers in foreign countries will find they have many options for becoming permanent residents on the basis of their IT and tech education and experience.

ronen blog tech pnp programs

In this article we are looking at permanent immigration programs that will let you live and work freely in Canada. If you qualify under any of the PNPs we mention below, you don’t face any of the restrictions you have to with a temporary work permit.

Ontario Immigration Nominee Program – Tech Draws

The demand for skilled tech and IT workers in Ontario, Canada is sky high. Toronto, Ottawa and Kitchener-Waterloo, in particular, are home to vibrant tech industries. In light of that, the province allows the nomination of Express Entry candidates who have tech experience to apply for permanent residence. The following NOC codes are eligible for tech draws:

NOC 2173 – Software engineers and designers

NOC 2174 – Computer programmers and interactive media developers

NOC 2147 – Computer engineers

NOC 2175 – Web designers and developers

NOC 2172 – Database analysts and data administrators

NOC 0213 – Computer and information systems managers

Ontario invited nearly one thousand Express Entry candidates with tech experience in a January 2020 draw.

British Columbia Tech Pilot

BC will be running its ‘Tech Pilot’ Provincial Nominee Program till at least June 2020. BC, like Ontario, is seeing huge demand for tech skills international recruitment. This program works differently to Ontario’s program, though. Its benefits for applications are:

Invitations to Apply – ITAs are issued to qualified and skilled technology workers every week, reducing the time employers and employees must wait.

Prioritized applications – Applications of tech and IT candidates are fast-tracked to make sure the right talent is able to come to Canada immediately.

The list of eligible occupations for Tech Pilot is revised regularly. At the time of writing, there were 29 tech occupations that are in high demand. A few eligible categories are:

NOC 0131 – telecommunication carriers managers

NOC 0512 – Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts

NOC 2131 – Civil engineers

Read more

Minimum IELTS for Canada | Police verification requirements for PR | PR for Caregivers

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

Manitoba has adopted a different approach to Ontario and BC for attracting foreign tech and IT talent. Instead of a dedicated tech-focused PNP, the province has been sending out missions to recruit skilled tech workers. Though the program does not offer the initial benefits that other PNPs do, the biggest draw is recruitment.

MPNP representatives actively assist Manitoba employers recruit foreign talent. Hundreds of IT positions across many different industries are up for grabs at their events. Keep up to date with the latest Manitoba PNP recruitment drive, expected to take place in spring 2020.

Quebec Skilled Worker

Quebec has been long regarded as having one of the toughest provincial nominee programs. Applicants must fulfill national criteria, then also demonstrate French language skills. What many don’t realize is that the Quebec Skilled Worker program gives tech and IT workers an advantage.

QSW requires a minimum of 43 points on employability factors alone. However, the “Listes Des Domaines De Formation’ (List of Training Areas) actually allocates the highest number of points for tech university education. Applicants who can show education in IT and technology can claim 12 points, the highest of any other category. What’s more, their spouses are also eligible to receive 4 points, which is the highest of any category too.

How to immigrate to Canada if you have tech and IT experience

If you have built a career in tech in your country, there is a very good chance your skills are in high demand in Canada. At Immigration Way we have helped thousands of people come to Canada legally and settle into prosperous lives. Speak to a qualified Toronto immigration lawyer and find the right program for you.

The post Secret tech experience programs for PR appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.

Police Certificate Canada (CIC) Needs for Immigration

ronen blog police certificate police stationMany Canadian immigration programs require a police clearance certificate (or police certificate). This is a simple statement by the police that you don’t have a criminal record or if you have a prior and pending criminal charges.

Police certificates are very important if you are trying to become a permanent resident. The police certificate Canada immigration authorities demand must:

  • Contain all relevant information (name, date of birth and more)
  • Be issued by the appropriate authority in your country
  • Be written in English or French (or be accompanied by a valid translation)
  • Not have a disclaimer stating that the authority does not take responsibility for the information in the certificate

On the basis of the police clearance certificate for Canada, CIC will decide if you should be allowed into the country.

Learn all about the police clearance certificate for Canada below.

What is a police clearance certificate?

A police clearance certificate is a document that outlines criminal activity. For purposes of immigration, the police verification certificate proves that you have not been involved in any criminal activity. If you do have a criminal record, CIC will assess your admissibility on the basis of this certificate.

Canadian immigration officials rely on this police certification to make sure you are not a security risk. If they feel that your past criminal activity poses a danger to Canadian society, your application may be denied.

A police clearance certificate must be in English or French. If the police certification you receive is in another language, you must also provide an official/certified translation of the document and an affidavit with your application.

An affidavit for a translation is a document that says the translation is a true and accurate version of the original text.

What Canada immigration programs need a police clearance certificate?

Generally, most immigration programs require a police clearance certificate for Canada. Immigration suggests someone who is planning to come to a country permanently or for a long period of time. That’s why Provincial Nominee Programs, Express Entry and spousal sponsorship require police certificates.

Short stay visas don’t, typically, require police certificates. For example, the Visitor visa (tourist visa), which may be valid for up to 10 years, does not require a police clearance certificate be submitted with applications.

When is a police clearance certificate for Canada PR required?

CIC can require you and any family members (aged 18 years old and over) for a police clearance certificate. If you are applying for permanent residence, then you will most likely have to submit it. Here is a short list of PR programs that require police certification:

  • Express Entry
  • International Experience Candidate
  • Provincial Nomine Programs
  • Other immigration and citizenship programs

ronen blog police certificate passport

Which countries do you need a police certificate for?

It does not matter which country you are a citizen of; if your Canada immigration program requires it, you must provide a police certificate Canada accepts. CIC states that police certificates must be provided for all countries in which you have lived for six months or more, after you turned 18.

  • Not required up to 18 years – You don’t need police clearance certificates for countries you lived in till you turned 18.
  • Six month residence, but not always in country – If you have lived in a country for six months but travelled for a month outside the country during that time, it is best to get a police clearance certificate.
  • Lived in a country for 5-6 months – If you lived in a country for just under 6 months, it is best to get a police clearance certificate, to be on the safe side.
  • Did not live in the country six months in a row – If you have lived in a country for a total of six months, but not six months consecutively (in a row), you do not require police certification from that country.
  • Time in Canada – You don’t need to show a police certificate for the time you have spent in Canada.

Where do I get the police certificate in my country?

The process for getting a police certificate varies from country to country. Many countries have updated their processes for obtaining police certificates in the last few years. It is best to get in touch with your police or government to find out what the process is for getting the certificate.

Police clearance certificates may be known by different names in different countries. They may be called:

  • Police clearance certificates
  • Judicial record extracts
  • Good conduct certificates
  • Or any other name

Note: Some countries offer more than one way of getting a police certificate. It is possible that certificates obtained in one or more such ways may not be acceptable to Canadian immigration officials.

Make sure you find out if the police certificate you are getting is accepted by CIC. Police certificates today will typically require you to provide photographs, your fingerprints, addresses in the country and more.

When should you get the police clearance certificate?

Depending on your immigration program, you may choose to obtain your police verification certificate before you begin or submit your application. Police certificates are, generally, valid for one year from their date of issue.

However, for Canada immigration, the police certificate must have been issued at most 6 months before you submitted your application.

What this is means is if your certificate is 8 months old when you submit your Canadian immigration application, it will not be considered.

For countries in which you no longer live, the police verification certificate must have been issued after you left that country for the last time.

Is your police certificate getting delayed?

IRCC allows extensions to deadlines for submitting police clearance certificates if it’s taking more than 90 days to process your police verification.

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What happens if I don’t submit my police certificate for Express Entry?

If you don’t submit the police certificate Canada requires at the time of filing your Express Entry application, you may be granted additional time to file the certificate. However, there is a high chance your application will be rejected.

Here are a few things you should consider:

  • If you are unclear about whether the certificate is required, then consider sending it anyway.
  • If you are uncertain if the certificate is required, and you don’t send it, it is best to explain it very clearly in the Letter of Explanation.
  • If you have explained yourself and you have valid reasons for thinking it was unclear, CIC may ask you to submit it at a later date.

Why might a police verification certificate be rejected by CIC?

A police clearance certificate may be rejected by the CIC for a number of reasons:

  • Being out of the validity period (i.e. more than 6 months old, at the time of submitting the immigration application).
  • Mismatch in information on the certificate and that provided in the application (eg. spelling of your name or passport number).
  • The police certificate does not meet the criteria laid down by CIC.
  • The certificate does not cover you for the full period of your stay in the country.

Don’t forget, if you have a prior criminal record, CIC may reject your application if it considers you pose a security threat to the country.

Is getting a police certificate difficult?

How difficult it is for you to get a police clearance certificate varies from country to country. Make sure you go through the most appropriate and official process for getting the certificate, else it may be rejected by the CIC – and your time, effort and money will go waste!

What should my police certificate say?

Police verification certificates around the world are different. However, there is certain information that must be included in your certificate:

  1. Logo of the authority
  2. Date of issue
  3. Clear subject line that shows it is a police clearance certificate, judicial record extract, good conduct certificate, or similar
  4. Statement attesting lack of criminal record or list of offences
  5. Seal/sign of the official authority

If the police clearance certificate contains a disclaimer stating that the authority is not responsible for the accuracy of the information, CIC may reject the certificate.

ronen blog police certificate canada flag

Do I need a police certificate for PR?

Yes, most permanent residence (PR) programs, such as Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs, require police certificates be submitted.

How long is the police verification valid for?

A police clearance certificate or equivalent is usually valid for one year. For the country in which you are presently resident, the certificate must not be more than 6 months old at the time of submission of the application.

How Express Entry Works

Candidates who are eligible for a program under Express Entry (Federal Skilled Worker, Skilled Trades, or other) submit a profile into the pool. The profile is assigned a CRS score, which is based on their age, education, qualifications and other criteria. CIC regularly invites candidates with the highest scores to apply for permanent residence. Once that is complete, the application is typically processed within six months.

Police clearance certificate for Canada immigration from India

The police clearance certificate for Canada immigration from India is a must. Whether you are applying under Express Entry, for spousal or family sponsorship, or PNPs for permanent residence, it is essential that you submit the police certificate with your application.

Where to get the police certificate in India

The Indian Government streamlined the process for procuring the police clearance certificate for immigration to Canada only a few years ago. The certificate for Canada immigration from India can be procured in two different ways:

  1. Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs) – An appointment must be taken before you visit your nearest PSK; fingerprints will be taken; certificates are issued in a standardized format (in English) and are accepted by CIC.
  2. Police superintendent – The police certificate for Canada immigration can be obtained directly by making an application to the local police in-charge; certificates will be in the local language and will need to be translated; since these are not standardized, CIC may not accept this type of police clearance.

Don’t know how to get a police certificate in your country?

The CIC does not provide specific guidance about how to get the police certificate in individual countries. If you are unsure of how and when to get the police clearance certificate, speak to an experienced Toronto Express Entry lawyer. Our specialists have expert knowledge about jurisdictions around the world and will help you with your police certificate and immigration application thoroughly.

It is essential that you apply for the certificate at the right time, with the right authority and that the certificate contains the correct information.

Need to give a language test for your immigration application? Learn more about CELIP and IELTS.

The post Police Certificate Canada (CIC) Needs for Immigration appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.